This is more of a public service announcement than a story. In my opinion one of the world’s best luxury lifestyle magazines is the Financial Times "How To Spend It." The FT has recently launched a free iPad app as a complement to the color newspaper supplement.
The ipad includes the following:
* A searchable content of more than 60 editions of How To Spend It;
*·Content from new issues posted seven days a week;
* Daily postings, such as blogs, columns, interviews and news from the How To Spend It staff that isn’t in the magazine;
* Content organized by subject rather than by print edition;
* Access to most magazine features and columns before they appear in print; and
* A “Gift Guide” with more than 600 inspired ideas for men and women with a new gift posted every day; and
“When we designed this, our first question was: why adopt a print-style published edition format when we can organize content logically and allow readers to search their favorite subjects, columns and writers?” said How To Spend It editor Gillian de Bono. “With daily postings, the app gives magazine readers a unique sense of discovery.”
Download the app by following this link.
Now you don’t need a subscription to the FT in order to enjoy the magazine. However, I would also recommend an FT subscription.
I really do hope the ipad app runs better than the slow, cumbersome, flash-heavy, although beautiful, "How To Spend It" website.
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