
JVC Publishes Guide on FTC Platinum Amendments

The Jewelers Vigilance Committee released The Essential Guide to the U.S. Trade in Platinum Jewelry to clarify Federal Trade Commission’s 2010 amendments to the platinum section of the guides for the jewelry, precious metal and pewter industries. This guide explains these revised standards, and what they mean in practical terms for those who manufacture, promote and sell platinum jewelry. The guide was underwritten by a grant from Platinum Guild International USA

The Essential Guide includes legal standards for platinum, glossary of terms, frequently asked questions and two platinum tolerance charts, explaining how to stamp and describe both traditional products and platinum products containing a minimum 500 ppt platinum alloyed with base metal. 

“This Essential Guide explains fairly complex FTC amendments for the marketing and stamping of products containing platinum,” said Cecilia Gardner, JVC president and CEO. “This tool gives practical guidance on how to compliantly market and describe these products.” 

To view and download the Essential Guide online, visit this link on the JVC website or this link to the PGI website.

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