It’s hard to believe but my little blog that could is a year old today. It began with the idea that there was a need for a place online to bring consumers who are passionate about jewelry with jewelry, fashion and luxury professionals with stories that appeal to both groups.
The year has gone surprisingly well. Readership on the blog has grown at an average of 37 percent per month. I started a Twitter page that has grown as constantly and steady as the blog along with a facebook fan page. And, because of this blog, I’ve been able to reach larger audiences through, JewelleryNetAsia and Farlang.
This first year was an experiment to see if this type of format would have appeal. The answer is a resounding yes. There will be a number of changes for the second year. Among them is the Jewelry News Network will now be accepting advertising. In addition, there will be a newsletter for the blog.
Further down the road there are plans to expand the website and to increase our international coverage by building a team of correspondents in key jewelry markets around the world. The Jewelry News Network will be a network between the jewelry industry and passionate consumers and network within the global jewelry industry.
So thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I look forward to making this publication bigger and better in the upcoming year. As always, please contact me with any concerns, ideas or advice.
Anthony DeMarco
President and Editor-in-Chief
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